So… 43. It’s time for the eighth annual installment of recording the lessons I’ve learned
over the previous year and there were no shortage of “learning experiences” to
draw from – so this should go quickly. Mostly,
I’m happy to still be learning lessons at all.
My expectations for middle age cognitive ability have been greatly
exceeded – I guess I was wrong about adults when I was younger. That’s really the most surprising part of 43 –
my mind doesn’t feel old; like at all. A few of my tastes have matured, but I still have
lived the majority of my adult life trying to avoid any similarity with a
Dockers commercial. Now my body, that’s
a whole ‘nother chicken, as I like to say.
My essential systems have been have been breaking like Trump news on
CNN: constantly and with no good
explanation. But thankfully, I still
know the capital of Djibouti (it’s Djibouti) and I’m still prone to laughing to
keep from crying – so despite the ever-pending disability, here are 43 things I’ve
1. Age
is just a number, but old is not just a word. It’s real.
2. If
I would have known how little the adults in charge of me knew back then, I
would have been a lot more scared.
3. I
love driving my car, but I hate driving – because people ruin everything. Except board games.
4. I
used to think I’d outgrow country dancing.
5. It
took me finally embracing my atheism to understand why religion is so important
to people – and what it gives them. For
all of you, atheism gives me the same
6. A
good job requires taking on daily challenges; a great job requires doing it with a team of amazing people.
7. In
a world of constant exhibition, candid moments are the most valuable currency.
8. You
can reliably measure your age with the amount you’re willing to spend on
concert tickets.
9. Three
reasons to avoid an otherwise great nightclub: All. Ages. Night.
10. Family
is everything.
11. Not
everyone’s family is made of blood relatives.
But, still - See #10.
12. Why
am I such a geek? Recent technology has
allowed me to neither step foot in a Walmart or ride in a taxicab in the last two years. #Winning
13. The
two least attractive words you can say to a woman at 43: “want kids.”
14. You
can definitely be too good at some
things – like taking selfies… or Tinder.
15. If
you see me in a nightclub on the Strip and I’m not with a client or family,
call security, because I’ve been kidnapped.
16. Dating
gets exponentially weirder the longer you do it.
17. Intellectual
snobbery is bad. Ignorance snobbery is much, much worse.
18. Every
man owes himself a custom suit.
19. For
the first time in my life, I was embarrassed to be an American. I’m finding my way back watching people
respond to the same feeling.
20. Back
rubs are getting so important to me, I might start trolling massage schools for
marriage prospects.
21. It
always pays to be nice. At first.
22. We
need a method of resolving disputes somewhere between fist fights and
litigation. Maybe it involves slapping.
23. Parents
of noisy children shouldn’t be chastised unless their kids are old enough to
understand what “Shut the *&# up” means.
24. You
don’t “have style”, you “have a style”
– if you don’t know the difference, neither applies to you.
25. The
most important part of sexy is confidence.
The most important part of love is vulnerability.
26. It’s
terrible to know something before you want to know it. But you can’t un-know things.
27. It’s
not that there are world leaders that are younger than I am that makes me feel
old, it’s that I’m happy about it.
28. The
cost-benefit analysis of very spicy food has finally been finally resolved in
the “don’t do it” position.
29. Butt
implants are never ok.
30. There
is no greater accomplishment than to motivate someone.
31. Three
foolproof ways to tell how old a woman is: her hands, her neck and her
willingness to order wine anywhere.
32. A
high EQ is far more valuable than a high IQ – and we should teach children with
that in mind.
33. I
don’t know what the age is where you stop wanting to try new things – but I
know it’s not 43.
34. Honorifics
are important and should be used liberally – especially “Coach”, “Doctor” and “Captain”.
35. The
most important members of your team are the ones who are nothing like you.
36. No
matter how bad it gets, there is no excuse for not caring what goes on in the
world around you.
37. We all deserve better representatives in
38. Honesty
is not always the best policy. Unless you’re under oath – then it totally
39. The
only wrong direction to go in is in no direction at all. Turning (even around) is easier than
40. Take
time to talk to kids. The pivotal
moments in your young life were likely not nearly as important to the adults involved as
they were to you.
41. If
you’re on a date, order dessert. Every
time. Life’s too short not to get the
damned cake.
42. Fail
constantly. Nothing great comes from
staying comfortable and not taking chances.
43. The
only way to guarantee your legacy is to write it yourself.
So, that’s another chapter in
mine. Thank you all for sticking around;
laughing and crying with me. Here’s to a
great 43 and a year of lessons to tell you about next summer.
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