So…here, we are,
on the occasion of forty-two years of
sunrises, sunsets, summer and smiles.
This year’s installment marks seven
years of keeping track of lessons learned and remembering to laugh, if for
no other reason than to save from crying.
Forty-two isn’t a particular sexy number, which seems oddly apropos,
because it’s certainly not a particularly sexy age. Don’t get me wrong, I’m aging with all the
style and grace of a Fail Army video, but still, it’s a fight that no one has
ever won – Mother Nature and Father Time are still undefeated. The best you can
hope for is to take the fight into extra innings, and you can rest assured, I
will absolutely ride this train until
the wheels fall off (and even then, I’ll find a decent orthopedist to sew them
back on). In the meantime, there are
plenty of lessons to be learned, and if these lists are nothing more, they are
a reminder of my lifelong commitment to keep
learning, and to remember that no matter how much I do manage to pack into
this mind and body, there will always be a great deal more that I missed than
that I actually got to do, be, understand, experience or know. And so, with that in mind, and certainly
having exhausted your appetite for self-indulgent introductions, here are 42 Things That I’ve Learned:
are more years between now and 65 than there are between 21 and now… And
thinking back to how far I’ve come since 21, I’ve got plenty of time left.
Venn diagram of things that look good
versus things that are good has a
whole lot less overlap than I used to think.
online life is a lie. The beauty of real life is just how ugly it
is not an immutable trait, which is why we should never celebrate it.
your argument for anything has the words “Jesus” or “God” in them – you do not
have an argument; you have a belief,
which should absolutely be kept to
wealth and intelligence were complementary traits, college professors wouldn’t
dress like hobos. Most money is dumb money.
determined the sexiest part of a woman’s body is her brain… with a three-way tie for second place.
is like fashion: it’s best when it’s personal, it costs less than you think and
nothing will make you look better to those around you.
two least attractive words you can say to a woman at 42 are: “Never married.”
10. The great secret to business is nothing
you’ll learn in Business School or in any school for that matter: it’s relationships, stupid.
11. In the social media era, we’ve never said
more, and never meant any of it less.
12. The success of any minority in obtaining
rights, recognition and equality is not when they march in the streets, but
when they no longer have to.
13. I am wholly unequipped to interact with
partisans in the “post-truth” era. Turns
out I really only have one club in the bag, and if facts and/or reason can’t
get you to challenge your beliefs, congratulations, you found a way to be
permanently stupid.
14. Fitness never goes out of style.
15. Your jeans, however, always do.
16. The older I get, the more that Eagles lyrics make sense.
17. There’s very little that I admire more in
a person than their ability to be their true selves.
18. No matter what people tell you, they never get over their old crushes. You got that, Katey?
19. It took me over forty years to say it
publicly – but I don’t believe in God.
At all. I believe in people. Like you.
And me.
20. If you ever wonder if you should wear
something, you shouldn’t. Especially
that hat.
21. Your faith isn’t ridiculous, but your
religion absolutely is. No matter which one.
22. When women say they won’t date an
overweight man, they’re being confident,
when a man says he won’t date an overweight woman, he’s being a body-shaming,
woman-hating troll who should obviously die alone. #Equality.
23. Speaking of hashtags – that’s how lazy we’ve
gotten, we can’t even be bothered to derive subtext -
24. Motherhood is not a magic wand – it doesn’t make you a good person, smarter or
confer any special knowledge on you. It’s
only evidence of a functioning uterus. Which is about as special as not being
25. It’s not about being beautiful – it’s
about owning your ugly beautifully.
26. When your childhood heroes start dying,
you start realizing that you were your own hero, all along.
27. Watching my college classmates get command
is a solid reminder that even the least promising twenty-year-olds can turn out
fucking spectacular. Maybe there’s hope
for millennials, after all.
28. We’ve done a great job of creating
universal shame for bigotry and ignorance – unfortunately, at the same time we
also became completely universally shameless.
29. Jenny McCarthy is responsible for more
needless childhood deaths than any other person alive today – and not only is
she free, she won’t even apologize.
30. I have never seen any woman, of any age, ever, get excited in any way
by a revved engine. Yet, somehow, every
douchenozzle I come across continues to use this as their primary mating call.
31. Only people with insane and unreasonable
opinions even whine about not being “judged” for them – the rest of us are happily judged for what we believe in.
32. The existence
of multiple arguments does not make
them equally valid or deserving of “equal time.”
33. There has never been a better or more
compelling case for the Electoral College (or any “republic” function of our democracy) than the 2016 elections. Anyone who trusts public consensus hasn’t
spent much time in “public.”
34. The American distinction between
marijuana and alcohol represents the single most effective PR campaign in
modern history.
35. The older I get, the exponentially less
poorly I feel about going to bed early.
36. No matter what else you do, or are or
have done (cure cancer, save orphans, give to charity, etc.), if you’re a bigot
– that’s all you are.
37. I can forgive people doing almost any
terrible thing – unless they do it to children, then fuck you.
38. Life is bad for your body – but that
doesn’t mean you shouldn’t live it. What
are you saving up for? Your second go
39. Believing in some of medicine is like in some
of astronomy. Like, I’m cool with
Mars and Venus – but Mercury is bullshit
(I read it on the Internet).
40. Finishing any level of school should not
be called “graduation” unless there’s a reasonable
chance you might not have finished it.
Ya got that, 8th graders?!
41. Generosity is giving to people to need it
most and who expect it least.
42. There is nothing more important, more difficult or more valuable than simply
showing up.
Here’s to those
who keep showing up - see you next year, kids.